Pray and Live
“I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly. Jesus is pretty clear about this. He didn’t come to oppress or make life worse for anyone. He came to wash away sins and pave the way for an abundant life.”
John 10:10
Welcome to Year 6, where you will find children who are encouraged to be resilient and work hard to achieve their full potential. We promote a supportive and nurturing environment in which children are able to work both independently and collaboratively.
Year 6 Blog
You can now find out what we have been up to by checking out our Blog.
Children are taught reading skills, and given the opportunity to read for pleasure, daily. Reading books are sent home three times per week, with children taking ownership of their reading record books.
If you are looking for age-appropriate texts to read at home with your child, why not have a look at the following website:
Homework and reading books are set on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It will be marked in class and sent home so you can see your child’s progress.
Children will have spelling lists sent home each week based on a spelling rule taught in class that week. We follow ‘Spelling League’ planning with children having access to the spelling game which runs alongside. Login details will be sent home during the first week of term. Follow the link below to have a look!
P.E kits will be needed for Monday and Wednesdays. Children are required to wear appropriate footwear for all sessions.
As a school, as well as daily Maths lessons, we also complete ‘Fluent in 5’. Below you will find some useful websites which can be used at home to practise and refine arithmetic skills. Children also have access to ‘Times Table Rockstars’ which is a fun way to learn those all-important times tables!
Home school agreement
Useful Information/Links
SATs information for parents