Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
Please click on the links below to access the page containing this information:
- Admission arrangements
- Behaviour policy
- Charging and remissions policies
- School complaints procedure
- School contact details
- Curriculum
- Values and Ethos
- Financial information
- Governors’ information
- Ofsted reports
- PE and sport premium for primary schools
- Equality Objectives
- Pupil premium
- Remote Learning Offer
- School Day
- School Uniform
- SEN Information
- Exam and assessment results
- Performance tables
The Knowsley Family Information Service also provide a range of information on local/national organisations and services offering advice and support to children and young people, their parents & carers as well as professionals working with families.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website then please contact us and we will provide this free of charge.