Admission Arrangements

As a Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The co-ordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority.

Parents must complete a Local Authority Preference Form or apply online via the website

Nursery Applications

To apply for a Nursery place, please complete a Nursery Admission Application Pack (Supplementary Faith Form inc) and return it to school via post, email or through the school office, attaching a copy of your child’s birth certificate, baptism certificate and proof of address. Nursery application packs can be collected from the school office or downloaded on the link below at any time, throughout the academic year.

Nursery Admission Application Pack

Reception Applications

Reception applications for September 2024 must be made via Knowsley Council before 15th January 2024. Once applications have been made, school will contact parents to request completion of a St Columba Supplementary Faith Form. Successful applicants will be required to provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, baptism certificate and proof of address to the school office.

Supplementary Faith Form

Primary Admission Composite Prospectus 2023/2024

Primary Flyer

In Year Transfers

To apply for a place in any other year group throughout the school year, please complete an In Year Transfer Form, Knowsley Council Transfer form and return both to school via post, email or the school office, along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate, baptism certificate and proof of address.

In Year Transfer Application Pack

Knowsley Primary In Year Application Form

Secondary Transfers

If your child is currently in Year 6 at primary school, and typically has a date of birth that falls on or between 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013, now is the time to apply for your secondary place.

The national closing date for applications is 31 October 2023

Secondary Admission Composite Prospectus 2023/2024

Secondary Flyer

Appeal Information

Find out more information here.

Please click on the link below to see our Determined Admission Arrangements:



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