Catholic Life at St Columba


“The extent to which the pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding.”

“Pupils show a deep respect for themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God. The behaviour of most pupils is rooted in Gospel Values and as such is exemplary.”

Archdiocese of Liverpool Inspection Report

Here at St Columba, we are fully committed to the teachings of the church. We pride ourselves on our supportive and nurturing environment while promoting the Catholic Life of our school and providing care and guidance while facilitating the spiritual, social and moral development of our pupils.

Gospel values

We are invested in the children developing their love of the Gospel which only strengthens their religious passion. Follow the link below to see our Gospel Values statement.

St Columbas Gospel Values Statement

Live Simply Tips

As you are aware, we are Christians should be living simply, sustainably and in solidarity.

As a school, we think it is important to share tips on how to look after our world, each other and ways to conserve energy.

Check out our tips to live simply/sustainably/in solidarity so far…

‘Help our families when they are struggling with housework.’ – Ethan, Year 6
‘Walk to school and save fuel and the environment.’- Laila, Year 6
‘Walk to School to get some exercise.’- Poppy, Year 6
‘You can walk/ cycle to school so you can show you are responsible for looking after our planet.’- Stephen, Year 6
‘Plant flowers instead of using technology a lot.’ Lorena, Year 5
‘Recycle and bin rubbish instead of littering.’- Hallie, Year 5
‘Ask for help from others instead of working alone.’- Charlie, Year 5
‘Include those who are left out or feel like they have no friends.’- Bully Busters, Year 4
‘Spend time with our loved ones and show gratitude, always.’- Louie, Year 3
‘Do not throw rubbish on the floor, put it in the bin.’- Millie, Year 1


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