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Learning Mentor Support

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My name is Miss Fitzsimmons and I am our school Learning Mentor.

One to one support:

I work closely with our children and families to break down any social, emotional or behavioural barriers, which may be impacting on your child’s learning opportunities.

I work closely with our class teachers and SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) to ensure I receive a thorough overview of a child’s needs. This helps me to work closely with any children through a series of 1:1 sessions. These may include: bereavement, anxiety, anger issues, friendship issues, or raising self-esteem and self-confidence.

Small group support:

If your child needs support further in a small group setting, to enhance their social skills, self-esteem or confidence, this can also be done through our very popular ‘Think Yourself Great’ programme within school.


At lunchtimes, I am available every day to support the children by providing a safe, nurturing space over in our amazing ‘Dove Cottage’. Here, each class has an opportunity to participate in therapeutic, mindful activities; targeting their self-awareness, independence and social interaction.

Early Help support:

In addition to support for our children, if you feel as though you are facing any barriers or challenges at home, please do reach out to myself as there may be a possibility you would benefit from some ‘Early Help’ support. As our school’s Early Help Lead, I would work closely with the whole family after completing an Early Help Assessment to identify the needs of all involved, ensuring positive steps are taken for barriers to be broken down. More information about Early Help can be found here… 

How to contact me:

  • The school office on 0151 477 8360, and ask for Miss Fitzsimmons
  • On your child’s class Dojo page. 
  • Email the school office, FAO Miss Fitzsimmons
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