
On Friday, 9th October 2015, children can come in to school in their own clothes to help support the current refugee crisis.


Travelling Books Certificate MARCH 2015




The Good Shepherd Collection:

We are pleased and proud to announce that we have again raised over £1,000 for the Good Shepherd. Thank you so much to our wonderful children and very kind parents.


Please click on the links below to see the 2015 Good Shepherd Newsletter and also the Good Shepherd Appeal Lent Calendar! 

Thank you in advance for your continued support and generosity!

Good Shepherd Newsletter Page 1

Good Shepherd Newsletter Page 2

Good Shepherd Appeal Lent Calendar 2015

Thank you Certificate received from CHILDREN IN NEED


Nugent Care Fund Raising: Assembly held on Monday 15th December 2014.

On Friday 12th December, we held our Xmas ‘Dress Up’ day and raised £126! WELL DONE TO ALL CONCERNED – Staff, Children, Parents and Carers. Please see the certificate of thanks below from Nugent Care. The cheque was presented in an Assembly on Monday 15th December 2014!


Please see our Certificate of thanks and some pictures below…. and letter to Miss Evans


Thank you Letter to Miss Evans from Nugent Care December 2014


Nugent Care certificate of thanks - Assembly on Monday 15th December 2014










dec 14 xmas day 270 dec 14 xmas day 271





On Friday 12th December 2014, we held our “Dress up for Christmas” day. Both children and staff wore Christmas related clothing. Well done to all children and their Parents/Carers for supporting us. We raised in excess of £124, which we are donating to Nugent Care!









Children in Need Fundraising Day: Friday, 14th November 2014: The Grand Total raised so far is £225.17p


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